Community Update is a program designed to inform our local community with important information from local political, educational, business and healthcare leaders in this time of uncertainty. It is more important now than ever that our Families, Friends and Employees hear from our local leaders.

For this reason we are asking for your participation in Community Update. As a valued member of our business community you and your company’s participation in this initiative will help us continue to deliver this much needed and wanted news and information.  As a participant your company will be named as a sponsor and recognized as a leader in our community across the entire Community Update initiative which includes Radio, Newspaper, TV, Web and Social Media.  

As an official sponsor of Community Update your business
will be recognized throughout all our media platforms.

SNJ Today Community Newspaper

  • Company Logo & Tag in all print Community Update articles and announcement each week for the duration of your sponsorship. 

This week’s Online Edition

WSNJ Positive 99.9 FM

Scheduled updates will be broadcast throughout the day of vital updated information from different political, educational, business and healthcare officials. 

Each update includes an opening sponsorship message which will contain your business name and tag line. Updates will also be found on where your company logo will also appear.

WSNJ 99.9 FM Streaming:  Positive 99.9 FM


Your Company Logo & Tag as sponsor of Community Update will appear on the Community Update page of both and

Facebook Live & TV Channel 22

Scheduled updates will be broadcast throughout the day of vital updated information from different political, educational, business and healthcare officials. 

Updates include your Company Logo & Tag at the beginning of the update.

Facebook Live: Mayor Anthony Fanucci

Sponsorship Levels

We have several sponsorship levels that we can customize to fit your budget at this time.  Sponsorship can run from week to week or monthly.  In addition to this sponsorship we are offering greatly discounted advertising packages for future advertising as our way of saying Thank You for your support.   

If you would like to sponsor Community Update please fill out the form below or call 856.327.8800 ext 103.


A comment from a loyal listener

In a world of negativity and fear, The Positive Perspective show is invaluable to the mental heath of the listening area.

Now I know that some would think that placing such a measure of importance on a radio program is somewhat extreme, but this pandemic that we’ve been thrown into has magnified the difference between positive thinking and fear among the general public. I see it all around me.

John and Yamira are positively the perfect pair for perpetrating positivity! The show is entertaining and informative and the hosts have a chemistry that is captivating. Also, I appreciate what I’ve learned about local businesses that have made guest appearances on their show.

Please know that I’ve never met Yamira or John, nor was I even aware of either of them before this program. I’ve listened to WSNJ since I was born, and am proud to say that I’m still a loyal listener.

In fact, when I was a boy, growing up in the 1960’s I was given an electronic set for Christmas that only received WSNJ broadcasts!
Please give kudos to them both for providing such a quality program in such a time as this.

Gratefully and Sincerely,
Todd Z. Adams