County Introduces Air Conditioner Program for Seniors

Cumberland County, with the Puerto Rican Action Committee (PRAC) of Southern New Jersey, has announced its new program to provide Cumberland County seniors with air conditioners.
Funded through a grant from the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, Cumberland County has provided funding to PRAC of Southern New Jersey to provide air conditioners to residents over the age of 60 with a chronic health issue and no other means of obtaining an air conditioner. A limited number of units are available to those under the age of 60 with a disability and/or chronic health issues.
Carol Musso, Commissioner Liaison to Office on Aging and Disabled praised the program as “critical to protecting our seniors whose health may be compromised by extreme heat’’ explaining, “Until recently many facilities serving as cooling centers for our seniors were closed. While facilities are reopening, many seniors with chronic health conditions are reluctant to leave their homes while COVID is still a threat, making home air conditioning a necessity.”
This program is available for Cumberland County residents over the age of 60 with a chronic health issue and no other means to obtain an air conditioner. To apply for this program, call PRAC of Southern New Jersey at 856-213-6693.