CompleteCare Health Network to Expand COVID-19 Testing
In response to the recent increase in COVID-19 cases in New Jersey and across the United States, CompleteCare Health Network will increase its COVID-19 testing services from two to five days a week.
Testing will be by appointment only and will be completed via drive-thru. Testing will be provided at the former OceanFirst Bank in Millville located at 1026 North High Street, now a CompleteCare building. The existing drive-thru lanes left by the bank will be used to move patients through for testing quickly and efficiently. New testing hours will begin on Monday, October 4, 2021.
Hours will be Monday, Wednesday and Friday 11:30am-4:30pm and Tuesday and Thursday from 4-8pm. PCR tests will be available. There will be no rapid testing at this location.
“Once school started the need for more testing hours has increased greatly,” said Dr. Azizeh Salloum, CompleteCare’s Chief Medical Officer. “We’ve outgrown our current setup and decided to switch back to the drive-thru testing model we were running in 2020. It allows us to see a larger number of patients more safely and quickly, a positive for both our staff and our patients.”
To receive COVID-19 testing, patients will first have e telemedicine visit with a CompleteCare provider. After testing is determined as necessary, the patient can visit the testing site where their prescription for the test will be waiting. In many cases both the provider visit, and testing can be done on the same day.
CompleteCare accepts Medicaid, Medicare, and all private insurance types. They also see patients who are uninsured. The test will be free of charge and no co-pay will be required for the screening. Your insurance company will be billed for the test and screening. For those who do not have insurance, the cost will be covered by the federal government. Translation services are available for those in need.
Testing can be requested by visiting and requesting a COVID screening through the request an appointment page. Those seeking testing can also call 856-451-4700, but website requests are preferred. CompleteCare also has the ability to work with local schools, companies, and organizations to provide surveillance testing.
The Health Department will be made of aware of all positive cases. Test results will be available on LabCorp’s patient portal as soon as they are ready. This portal is free and easy to use.
Symptoms of COVID-19 include fever or chills, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle or body aches, headache, new loss of taste or smell, sore throat, congestion or runny nose, nausea or vomiting, diarrhea.
Anyone who has these symptoms or is concerned they may have been exposed to COVID should continue precautions such as mask-wearing, hand-washing and social distancing. Isolating from others in your household is also recommended.
For more information about CompleteCare’s response to COVID-19 or testing, visit