Choose an Angel at Vineland Public Library
If you are looking for a way to share the spirit of the holiday, Vineland Public Library can help. The library is again sponsoring an Angel Tree for the 2022 holiday season. In lieu of decorations, paper angels adorn the holiday tree. Each angel represents a local child, whose family is in need, and lists the gender and age of the child. Area residents are encouraged to select an angel from the tree and purchase an appropriate toy or gift item. The unwrapped gifts are to be brought to the library along with the paper angel by Monday, December 19. The gifts will then be wrapped and distributed to the families in time for holiday giving. The library is also accepting donations of gift boxes, wrapping paper, tape and bows.
All areas of the library are accessible to people with disabilities. Visit the library’s web page, or call 856-794-4244, to learn more about library displays, services and programs.