Buena Vista Township Toy Drive Needs You

The “Toy Delivery Service,” sponsored by the Buena Vista Township Special Events Committee, needs your help. The BVT Annual Toy Drive is completely funded by donations. You can bring your donations of new, unwrapped toys to the Municipal Building, located at 890 Harding Highway in Buena, and leave them in the toy box on the front porch during normal business hours.
Or, you can make a monetary donation with a check or money order made payable to BVT Special Events and mail to PO Box 605, Buena, NJ 08310, or drop off in our convenient “Drop Box” on the east side of the municipal building (next to the post office). Both types of donations are helpful and greatly appreciated.
For more information, call the Buena Vista Township Special Event’s office at 856-697-2100, ext. 8.
Camden Water Trail Brings Life Back to Rivers with 13-Mile Connection