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A Good Deed

CCTEC student helps toddler find his way home.

Brandon Lombardi, a senior in CCTEC’s Engineering program, has demonstrated the behavior of a model citizen.

Brandon works as a delivery driver and during his first delivery of the day, he noticed a toddler running across the street. Brandon stopped to see if there were any adults around, but he couldn’t find anyone. He caught up with the child, who couldn’t speak and began knocking on doors to see if he belonged to anyone closeby. After no luck, Brandon called the local police while he sat and waited with the child. Brandon did not leave his side until the police showed up and they found the boy’s home, just two blocks away.

As an added highlight to this story, Brandon has been accepted into his dream school at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Daytona Beach, Florida. He will be pursuing a bachelor’s degree as an Aerospace Engineer focusing on astronautical studies. It is his hope to one day join NASA and get to travel to the final frontier of outer space.

Brandon has been an outstanding student at CCTEC and has always been active in the Engineering program along with Club Active and Gaming Club. In his spare time, Brandon enjoys playing video games and basketball, fishing, and hanging out with friends. CCTEC is proud to have a student like Brandon Lombardi.