The Woman’s Club of Vineland Donates to Women’s Shelter
Mina Gruccio, pictured, in charge of assisting victims of domestic violence, collected 88 full-sized toiletries and donated them to the woman’s shelter. This was the club’s target project for February. Every month the club donates to a different community outreach.
The March target is called bundle of books. The members collect storybooks for young children to be given to Inspira Hospital for new mothers.
The next meeting will be on March 6 at 1 p.m. at the clubhouse 677 S. Main Road at the corner of Washington Avenue. The speaker, Dawn Pogosaew, will be talking about native plants and pollinators. All women are welcome to the meeting.
Senator Bramnick Proposes New Bill SCR-120 for Full Property Tax Exemptions for New Jersey’s Injured First Responders