Veterans Experience Healing Power of Nature

Front row, from left: Angelic Health’s Women’s Vet-to-Vet Café Jessica Kennedy and Angelic Heath Social Worker Philecia Howard, also a veteran and facilitator of the group. Back row: Mandi Stancill, Angie Ramirez, Shawn Matos, and Colleen Shea, shown here with their potted plants.
Front row, from left: Angelic Health’s Women’s Vet-to-Vet Café Jessica Kennedy and Angelic Heath Social Worker Philecia Howard, also a veteran and facilitator of the group. Back row: Mandi Stancill, Angie Ramirez, Shawn Matos, and Colleen Shea, shown here with their potted plants.

At a recent Angelic Health’s Women’s Vet-to-Vet Café, Collie Turner of Heroic Gardens provided the veterans with an educational, stress-reducing activity of planting their own plants. Based in Philadelphia, Heroic Gardens is working with women veterans to organize an event in the South Jersey area—stay tuned for updates. Angelic Health is proud to support veterans in the community and has a four-star rating by We Honor Veterans for services and programs it provides to veterans who are patients, their loved ones and those in the community.

The Women’s Vet-to-Vet Café meets at the Angelic Health Community Outreach Center on the campus of the Millville Army Airfield Museum.

For more information, contact Philecia Howard at 609-385-3934.

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