Millville Woman’s Club Meets, Welcomes Students

After enjoying a soup and salad luncheon at their January meeting, members of the Millville Woman’s Club (MWC) had an interesting program by EllenBeth Nappen, pictured, chairperson of the Arts Creative/Fiber Arts Committee. She demonstrated how to make a small book out of a single piece of paper, then assisted members in doing so. EllenBeth displayed a number of her books and offered to have a session on making paper earrings. Several members expressed an interest in participating.
MWC again welcomed two Millville High School (MHS) senior girls to share some of their experiences and goals. Asiaya Jones-Hayes is a member of the National Honor Society, Key Club, Leaders Club and is president of the Student Council. She is also Board of Education Student Representative. She has received academic letters as well as athletic varsity letters. She has volunteered with MHS blood drives, Bacon School Jump Rope for Heart, Millville Elementary Schools Olympic Day and Wheaton Arts Fine Arts Festival. She works as a student aide for Millville Public Schools Latchkey program. She plans to attend a four-year college or university and possibly major in psychology.
Vyonna Scurry is an Honor Roll student who has been Class Vice President since 2022. She has received an academic letter and has been selected at Student of the Month. Vyonna is on Student Council and a member of Key Club and Leaders Club. She is in Marching Band and Jazz Band playing her trombone. Vyonna enjoys public speaking, debate, painting and acting/performing arts. Vyonna has volunteered at the Senior Citizens Barbecue at the Elks Club, Gift Giving at Bacon School, Reading to Kids at Bacon School and tutoring at MHS. She plans to go to college for a degree in criminal law, be an attorney for a couple of years, possibly go into politics, then later teach law in high school or a university. She says she will continue to play her trombone!
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