Millville and Vineland Trick or Treat

Vineland: Sat, October 30 • 4–7 p.m
Millville: Sun, October 31 • 4–7 p.m
Rain or shine
Children should not trick-or-treat alone. They should be escorted by an adult or an older child or should go with a group. Children should walk on sidewalks and cross only at the corners, not in the middle of the block. If there are no sidewalks, they should walk on the shoulders, facing any oncoming traffic.
All children should wait until they are at home before eating any treats. This will allow parents time to sort and check all items for any irregularities.
Residents who wish trick or treaters to come to their residence are asked to turn on their outside porch lights, those who don’t, keep their lights off.
Due to COVID-19, all participants are asked to wear face-coverings, stay six feet apart if not part of a family unit, and use hand sanitizer often.