Household Hazardous Waste Day a Success, 2022 Dates Announced

The Authority hosted its final Household Hazardous Waste and Document Shredding event of 2021 on Saturday, September 11. Co-sponsored by the City of Millville, Cumberland County Utilities Authority, and Landis Sewerage Authority, the event was held at The Authority’s Solid Waste Complex, located at 169 Jesse Bridge Road in Millville.
The third and final event of the year provided all Cumberland County residents with an opportunity to properly dispose of their household hazardous waste and safely shred any personal documents. A total of 592 residents attended the September event, with multiple attendees coming from all of the 14 municipalities in Cumberland County. Among the items collected, the most popular included documents to be shredded, electronic waste, and oils and gas.
In total, the three events of 2021 resulted in the attendance of 1,779 residents. The services guarantee proper disposal of waste items to residents free of charge. A total of 23.48 tons (46,960 pounds) of personal documents were shredded and recycled as a result of the events throughout the year.
In 2021, the Authority has collected 146 tons (292,000 pounds) of electronic waste. Electronic waste includes items such as computers, printers, lab tops, televisions, radios, stereos, and other accessories. The three events resulted in the collection of 3,538 gallons of waste oils and antifreeze. Accepted oils include motor oil, hydraulic oils, diesel fuel, antifreeze, kerosene, and heating oil.
The 2022 Household Hazardous Waste and Document Shredding events will take place on April 9, June 11, and September 17 from 8 a.m. until 2 p.m. at The Authority’s Solid Waste Complex.